Teacher Débora - 6 F - Inglês - (28/09/20 à 02/10/20) Anecdotes


In a motorcycle shop

The customer  - When I bought a motorcycle from you a few weeks ago, you said that your shop            replaced anything broken.

The motorcycle salesman - Yes. What can I do for you? What parts do you need?

The customer - Well, I want a left eye, an ear, four teeth, a rib and a nose.

Future Plans

Social Assistant - And do you have any plans for the future after the sentence?

Prisoner (smilling) - Oh, yes! My future plans are to rob a bank, a gas station and a supermarket.


1) Mark the parts that the customer wants to replace:

(  ) wheels

(  ) eye 

(  ) shoes

(  ) ear

(  ) nose

(  ) motorcycle

(  ) rib

(  ) teeth

2)  What are the prisioner's future plans?



NOTE:    Enviar as atividades para o e-mail: garciadebora@prof.educacao.sp.gov.br

DON'T FORGET:    CLASSROOM 'S CODE  :  6 F = ryaiwfm


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